_…Our patriotic endeavour is to ensure that Nigeria politics gets rid of men of despicable character_
The attention of the Committee For Good Governance (CGG) has been drawn to the tantrums of some political jobbers on social media who deliberately refused to understand our
patriotic endeavours, which is to ensure that our politics be rid of men of despicable character.
We boldly unveiled ourselves as men and women of impeccable character of diverse professions with visible and verifable means of livelihood and address press conference, aired in media of international exposure and
We challenge those who said we are faceless and attributed our struggles to imaginary agents- provocateur to check the meanings of those words and desist from fooling themselves in the public space.
We also saw a display of a letter from the Body of Benchers attesting Agboola Ajayi’s attendance at the Nigerian Law School.
The issue is beyond whether or not Agboola Ajayi attended the Law School. The Body of Benchers is free to issue a letter confrming that any name found on the register of the Law School with his photographs was its student, the same way WAEC could confrm that a candidate whose photograph appeared in secondary school uniform with 1980 as his year of birth in 2004 was the same as one Agboola Ajayi who was also a sitting Local Government Chairman born in 1968.
Two separate and mutually contradictory afidavits sworn on oath have not resolvedwhether the discrepancy was a mistake of WAEC or that of the innocent registrar of the only secondary school in that rural village of Bolorunduro. WAEC said there was no mistake on its part because the particulars of the candidate in his entry form was what the examination body refected on its certifcate. The registrar swore in a counter afidavit that the afidavit purportedly claiming that he was the one who registered Ajayi
was forged as he never knew Ajayi as a student in that small school neither was he responsible for registering students for WASCE in that school.
Agboola Ajayi who proudly displayed
the letter from the Body of Benchers
may want to clear the doubts on his WASCE and whether it was the same questionable certificate he used for admission into Igbinedion University which invariably presented him as its candidate to the Law School. If that is the case the Body of Benchers knows too well that one cannot build something on nothing. Agboola’s
handlers must be told that Body of Benchers is not a court. Besides, it may be important to show whether it was the same Agboola Ajayi
who was elected for a full-time 4 years in Parliament that was for the same period in Igbinedion and Law School for also full-time studies simultaneously.
CGG said in our petition that Agboola lied in a letter to the Speaker of the House of Representatives that he consulted widely with his constituents
who allegedly permitted him to be absent permanently from Parliament.
The burden of proving this obviously false assertion being now investigated, lies on Agboola and his half-baked writers to discharge.
It will interest the public that Agboola Ajayi and his syndicate have been serially using the same rural Bolorunduro secondary for certifcate
racketeering. Attached herein below are particulars of another certifcate Agboola Ajayi claimed to have in the same school in 2002 when he was also a sitting Local Government
official with different features from the one of May/June 2004 aforesaid. See
the attached entry forms of both 2002 and 2004 which particulars are stated here under.
Exam: May/June 2002
Nane: AjayiAlfred Agboola
Exam no: 4291420121
Date of Birth: 5th August 1969.
We are waiting for his godfathers to depose to their own afidavit that they too are responsible for the malfeasance.
We will not be distracted by such vituperations of political scavengers or those whocorruptly hold the view that a thief is not culpable since he’s always been smart in the past. We are no partisan politicians. Our searchlights will not dim even beyond the elections to sanitise our politics from questionable characters. We are ready for publicdebate with anyone whose duty is to defend misdeeds. We have warned the PDP. The Party has the choice to relieve itself of the political albatross or face the consequences.
Olumuyiwa Aderibigbe