Birthday Celebration, Pastor Toye Ebijomore Counsels Nigerians Ahead of 2023 General Elections
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My Counsel For Nigerians Towards The 2023 General Elections
I give all the glory to God for my new age today the 29th of January, 2023; which my loved ones surprisingly arranged the celebration for this hour and I pray that the Lord God will honour you all in Jesus name.
When I wanted to wear this clothes on me to the Sunday service in the morning and mummy said I should let it be at later today because the elders of the God’s Anointed and Blessed Church International with some of our covenant partners informed her that they wish to have pictures with us sometime in the evening, I had the thought that it was going to be another surprising birthday celebration for me as they used to do. I thereby decided to pen down my counsel for Nigerians in respect of the coming election and use this medium to share it widely.
Without deceiving ourselves and if the timetable remained as issued, the general elections will start in 27days time from today the 29th of January and unarguably, it will be another but greater trial period for Nigeria.
The atmosphere has been visibly filled with all kinds of campaign and political fireworks by the political parties and aspirants especially the four main presidential candidates, their running mates, followers, and sympathizers. But it should be noted that the religion and tribal sentiments towards the election is curiously very unprecedented.
Frankly speaking therefore but not as heard from the Lord, anyway, I wish to even presume from all indications towards the elections that it may be the most dangerous ever in the history of this nation Nigeria because the actions and reactions of most people are already like bombardment of fireworks in a gas station. It will surely be too fatal that whoever survives it will be left miserable for life. The way out therefore is to take safety precautions and the good counsel is now here.
Let it not sound somehow to you that a nonpartisan prophet of God is saying he wants to give counsel for Nigerians towards the 2023 general elections. It is because the constituents of the ministry of the prophet are visions, prophecies, and counsels. Proverbs 11:14 says, where no counsel is, the people fall but in the multitude of counselors, there is safety.
Prophecy in its own as contained in the holy bible is for edification, exhortation and comfort to the believer but to them that believe not or the unlearned, it convinces and judges them by making the secrets of the hearts made manifest and cause them to bow and worship God, and testify that God is in His prophet of a truth.
As for revelation or vision, Proverbs 29; 18 says, where there is no vision, the people perish. The Lord God being not an author of confusion instructed further that when prophets are prophesying and if another receive a revelation, those prophesying should hold on for the revelation to be said (1Corinthians 14:29-30). Therefore, the role of counsel in the ministry of the prophet is that when vision and prophecy has exposed a secret thing ahead, counsel gives the appropriate safety precautions to be taken.
I have been receiving calls and visitations of people on what the coming election may be but I do refer them to Google the yearly revelation and prophecies by me from the year 2018 because I am not used to saying any revelation or prophecy on election when it has come very near except by the specific instruction of the Lord. However for the safety purpose of people and the nation, my counsel for the Nigerians towards the 2023 election is now very crucial.
Let me start with my brethren in Christ that we should beware of the manipulation of the selfish politicians. Esther 6:6 says, ..Now Haman thought in his heart, to whom would the king delight to do honour more than to myself? But unfortunately, it went against his wish. Was this not the similar scenario that played out by some Nigerian politicians recently? I carefully observed that the Christians politicians who thought the presidential running mate will be choosing among them and thereby rooted maliciously against their Christian brother from becoming a presidential candidate were the first to cry foul when it went other way.
Then, the meetings on why the Christians should reject joint ticket of other religion began and several people zealously bought into it. Unless for those that wish to shy from the fact, this was the root cause of the unhealthy religion sentiment towards the 2023 election and all others are just the resultant effects.
Very importantly therefore, the Christians leaders that are found of using foul languages on others, placing curses on their members and even extending it to any Christian, who may vote for non-Christian, should please retreat from such unscriptural acts and rather seek firstly on how God may grant all the prayers for all their members. It is unfortunate that some clerics either by bewitchment or ignorance are even placing curses on the generations of their members because of evil-hearted politicians.
I wish to likewise advise the Muslim clerics that were found sensitizing their people with abuses, threats, curses and unprintable words on the Christians to think godly and seek for forgiveness from God. Please, let there be love and peace for our collective good as a nation.
One very fact we should all know is that if the Muslims present the best among them for election in this nation and even bind themselves with most terrible oath, all the Muslims will never vote for such a candidate but they will vote otherwise for different reasons.
In fact, if the Christians present Pastor E.A. Adeboye and Pastor W.F. Kumuyi on presidential joint ticket (but God forbid it because olive tree shall never leave its fatness wherewith by it they honour God and man, and go to be promoted as a king over the trees), I am just sure that all the Christians will never vote for them and many members of their churches will even vote otherwise for several reasons. I hope we will let these facts abide with us, the religion leaders especially, as the holy bible says, wisdom is profitable to direct.
I wish to reiterate that the ways most of us are handling the difficult situation at hand were not how the leaders of old did it when they were faced with similar situation. Jehoshaphat prayed and said, ‘O our God, will thou not judge them? For we have no might against this great company that came against us, neither know we what to do but our eyes are upon you (2Chronicles 20:12). The summary of it from verses 13 to 30 was that the Lord instructed them of what to do and they did and they got victory and peace roundabout.
I asked long ago if we have firstly prayed and if this is what the Lord instructed. I still maintained my stand that we ought to have firstly pray but the cart has already been put before the horse and this might be why some resorted to cursing their members who will vote otherwise. They have forgotten that as the bird by wandering and as the swallow by flying, so the curse causeless shall not come.
Therefore, I take the high place seat in the ministry of the prophets as a Spokesman of God, and I hereby provoke the death of Jesus Christ upon the cross, and declare on this Sunday, today, the 29th of January 2023 that every curse against you by whoever at wherever is baseless, null and void but redirected henceforth to your favour in the name of Jesus.
Proverbs 24:6 says, For by wise counsel thou shalt make thy war: and in multitude of counsellors there is safety. I have carefully watched to see that so many people especially the youth are only being overwhelmed with mere zeal towards the election but lacking the knowledge that do saves people from perishing. The Lord says, Counsel is mine, and sound wisdom: I am understanding; I have strength (Prov 8:14).
We should avoid killing or destroying or making enemies because of any aspirant. Let me say clearly that there is no broad road for masses to the Aso Villa and the narrow way to the Nigerians in power is thinner than the eye of a needle. Are Nigerians so much deceived not to know that all the major presidential aspirants are actors in the scripted problems of this nation and they are sworn friends in the business? Let everyone choose the part of wisdom, from now forward.
You are aware in my prophecies of this year that I asked the Lord on three occasions whether the agenda for Islamization of Nigeria being a great concern of the Christian body will be so or not and he gave me same answer all-through.
He said, ‘where are the leaders that tried it in the past, where is the glory of their homes and was there a child of any of them even upon the least throne in Nigeria thereon? The judgment has been written and reserved for continuous execution upon whoever may wish to do same.’ The Lord shall not withdraw his decree. However, this was in no means saying that we Christians should not contend earnestly for the faith that was delivered to us and there is therefore no condemnation to them who are making right engagements in high places for the defense of faith.
It is in the repository of knowledge that June 12, 1993 election which the president of Nigeria though adjudged the freest and fairest, was however annulled by him on the ground of good counsel that the genius leader did not disclose till today. I wish to deduce from the unhealthy builds up towards to the 2023 coming elections that the counsel he got for the annulment of the June 12 election was certainly on the religion danger ahead.
Although there were protests and public rituals against him, they were all in vain because the annulment was right in the sight of God. In this connection, I need to say that we all owe him apology and expression of gratitude for his love for the unity of Nigeria.
Would President Mohammadu Buhari also seek good counsel and display his love for the unity of Nigeria? I am not canvassing for the cancellation of the coming election, anyway, if the concerned authority found it as the only sacrifice for the security of lives and unity of the nation, the law is perfect.
The year 2021 prophecies by me contained among the revelations therein that ‘I saw the President constantly refusing counsel of the good hearted people and they withdrew from him. Then, he began taking advises that led to a regret of his administration’.
I pray he has not done a fatal one and if so already, he should be courageous not to do worse but to correct the earlier. I am saying this because if the religious and tribal bitterness that has been employed towards the 2023 election is allowed to give us the result of the election, we have thus sincerely entered into self designed doom and eternal enmity unless we ponder very quickly to take good counsel for sustainable solutions.
The presidency should critically observe the religion and tribal outburst of people towards the coming election and mend fences to calm tensions or it should seek other constitutional provision for sustainable solution in a serious matter of this nature.
As a matter of extreme urgency before the new administration is sworn in, the Presidency and the 9th National Assembly should reason together to establish a law for the specific sovereignty of Nigeria as a multi-religion and multi-tribal nation that shall not by any means be listed among any particular religion organization of nations.
Additionally as a matter of urgency, let the National Assembly amend the Electoral Acts to compel political parties to field inter-faith joint ticket of presidential candidate and running mate.
Actually the winner of the presidential election and the serious problems he will encounter has all been revealed by the Lord as found in my 2023 prophecies. Therefore, the way out for the winner is to firstly make religion balance in the power sharing and appointments of people into offices in addition to the Federal Character Acts.
Upon the swearing in of the new administration also, it should immediately commence a process for Special National Conference on implementation of existing reports and returning us to regional government as we were in the beginning.
Finally upon my counsels for the Nigerians towards the 2023 election, I have a divine instruction of what should be done on Sunday the 26th of February 2023 by the ministers of God especially the prophets. It is that a new plate of multi-colour but fragile one should be taken up before the elders or before the congregation. Then, make declarations that as the plate shall fall to the ground and break into pieces, so also by the decree of the watcher, every evil intention of the government in Nigeria is hereby cast down in the open and broken into pieces for a memorial to the glory of God in the name of Jesus.
May the Lord bless you all.
May the Lord bless God’s Anointed and Blessed Church International.
May the Lord bless Ondo State.
May the Lord bless Nigeria and let the peace of our Lord Jesus Christ come upon the world. Amen.
Pastor Elias Omotoye Ebijomore
Founder/General Overseer, God’s Anointed and Blessed Church International